Lady Anne's Way 2015

Lady Anne's Way

This was the first time I walked Lady Anne’s Way.  I returned to do it again in 2019.  This first time around I arrived in Skipton on Friday 9th October 2015, crossed a canal opposite the rail station, and miraculously, eventually, stumbled upon my (slightly expensive) B&B (which I did not return to when I came back to the Skipton area a couple of times during 2019).  I wandered into town to find somewhere to eat.  I went into one pub and ordered a cider while I was thinking about what to food to order, then discovered they didn’t do food after 5.  Sighing, as my budget only allowed for 1 cider with my meal, I downed it, and headed out, finding other pubs that had the same "no food after 5" policy.  In frustration, I said to a gentleman at one of the pubs something like “Isn’t there anywhere you can eat in this town?”  I was directed to the local Wetherspoons, a chain of pubs I had not come across beforehand.  When I got there, I was stunned at the low prices.  I could afford a second cider after all!!

Follow my journey by clicking on the links you are interested in below, or just start at Day 1 and go from there.

Day 1: Skipton to Grassington

Day 2: Grassington to Buckden

Day 3: Buckden to Hardraw (near Hawes)

Day 4: Hardraw to Soulby (near Kirkby Stephen)

Day 5: Soulby to Long Marton

Day 6: Long Marton to Penrith


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