Tarawera River walk Southern section 5km

I walked this trail months ago, but I didn't post about it because I was missing some photos of key points during the hike.  Then I had my calf muscle hiking injury on the 1st of April and I couldn't get back to doing this trail until I had recuperated and was back in the area with time to walk it.

Anyway, now I've walked it again (3 times in one day in fact - see my recent post about my Hiiker app rant to find out why) so I can finally post about it.  Something to keep in mind is that there were 6 loose dogs during my first 2 circuits (including an aggressive one that ran for me) and a motocross rider stupidly careening along the narrow walking trail, I had to step off and into the trees to avoid him, during my third circuit.

Just as with the Northern section that I walked toward the end of last year, I started at the car park near Firmin Lodge off Waterhouse Street in Kawerau.

Head back out to Waterhouse Street and turn right onto the bridge crossing the river.

Immediately after coming off the bridge, turn right over the crash barrier onto the trail proper.

From here, there is a significant climb up multiple flights of steps through the forest.

At the top of the steps, turn right at the intersection in the path, to climb the last part of ascent to the highest point of the walk.

The trail descends and you immediately lose the height advantage, heading, at this point, along a shallow ditch, which shows recent scouring from rain.  Just as the trail levels out again there is a fork.  Turn right (yet again) here.

Because topsoil has been washed away revealing the clay or stone beneath, the trail can be a bit slippery here in the wet.  The windy trail straightens out for a bit, with the forestry road coming in close on the left hand side.

About 50 metres before the trail hits a white barrier (I assume where it intersects with the forestry road) take the branch off to the right.

The trail twists and turns as it comes down to the river, where it skirts the top of an old landslide before curving around to run just up from the river.  Depending on the time of year, and the amount of foliage, there may be further glimpses of the river as the section is walked.

At the end, the trail opens out into a circular area where vehicles have obviously turned.  Across that area the track continues alongside the river (I have not explored this continuation of the trail), however this is where you turn right to cross the river again.  The bridge has metal steps going up, but the bottom of those steps do not reach the ground, so it is only connected at the top and bounces a bit as you go up.  Crossing the bridge requires a little care if the wood is wet and slippery.


After getting off the bridge on the other side, at the bottom of the steps turn left, and then almost immediately turn left again at the fork.

The track winds for a short distance between the golf course and the river (this was where I encountered the motocross rider, sans helmet), then comes out onto the golf course just down from the clubhouse.  Keep to the right of the fairway until the track appears on the right.

Again, the path runs between the golf course and the river, cutting below (what I assume is) the 18th green and clubhouse, around to a large open area of sports fields.

It was here, on my first circuit, where I saw a couple of people with 2 loose dogs up ahead, one medium one constantly yapping, and a larger one.  I veered off to the left, across the rugby field, in an attempt to avoid them, keeping at least 40 metres away, but the larger dog began barking, then raced at me with it's head down and ears back in an aggressive attacking manner.  Needless to say, the owners did nothing (not even try and call their animal away).  I put my hands in my pockets, froze, and avoided eye contact while visions of being attacked and bitten again flew through my mind.  Luckily, this time, the dog must have deemed me to not be a threat and lost interest.

Shaken, with a still pounding heart, and a head full of frustration at dog owners, I cautiously stepped away, then carried on, heading back to the riverside to finish the last kilometre or so.

After crossing a small bridge across a ditch, swing right to keep alongside the river and walk behind a few houses.

Continue following the river, again behind a couple more houses, before coming up to the rear of Firmin Lodge and back where we started from.


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