Shropshire Hills 2018

Shropshire Hills

August of 2018 saw me back in Church Stretton in the Shropshire Hills.  I had come to the U.K. having recently healed from a back problem, so the rugged walking amongst the Shropshire hills was, this time, planned for the end of the holiday, after I had build up some strength and stamina. 

My apologies as, this being my 4th visit to the Shropshire hills and I pretty much repeated the same day walks I had previously done, there are almost no photos of this time, so the posts are only short notes of what I did each day.  Note: the photo above was immediately after the only 3 photos I had taken during this time in Shropshire, and I only went to Gatwick after that, but I have not recorded on what day this photo was taken.  It has a datestamp of the 18th (day 4) so I can only assume, even though it does not look like any of my experiences there, that it is of somewhere in Shropshire.

Day 1: Where I stay somewhere other than Highcliffe, for a change.

Day 2: Where I make an attempt to do part of Wild Edric's Way

Day 3: Where I climb Caer Caradoc the hard way.

Day 4: During which I entered the pine tree plantation where the Lone Piners stopped tree smuggling.

Day 5: Where a ham and cheese baguette put me to sleep, but a steak 'n' ale pie woke me up.

Day 6: During which I saw Janet, who previously ran the B&B at Highcliffe


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