Dales High Way 2019 Day 2

Monday 5th August 2019 Malham

I was awake before 6 but managed to doze a little until Grant’s mobile phone kept going off downstairs.  I was up and away before 8 to avoid, as much as I could, inhaling Grant’s breakfast of cigarettes.

There was some initial rain, then it was rather wet underfoot which resulted in wet socks and boot insides for the rest of the day.

I arrived in Gordale by noon, making slower progress than I would have liked, and went for a look at Gordale Scar.  I don’t understand the need for people to climb waterfalls and ruin other day-tripper’s photos (both this waterfall and the next, which I waited around until people had finally left to take the photo of).

I purchased a sandwich from a food truck beside the beck where the road crossed, which was very tasty.  I veered way from the Dales High Way for a short section, choosing to take an alternate route past Janet’s Foss.

I then followed the stream to Malham.  As I was there early, I sat outside the YHA to use their Wi-Fi and read for the afternoon.  After checking into my B&B I hit a local pub for a pricey meal but a very yummy rhubarb cider.

Day 3


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