Ayrshire Coastal Path 2013 Day 3

Day 3 Friday 9th August 2013

Thinking back, I guess my ankle was either a bit better this morning, or I had given up trying to change my flight back.  We had driven into Kilmarnock for Liz to deal with some banking issues when I had a call on my mobile phone: the hospital wanted me back there to ask me some questions.  After a long wait at the hospital, and then an interrogation as to what caused my injury and what I had done since with regard to seeking medical advice/help, they were finally satisfied I could be covered (cost-wise) by NHS and let us go.  I mean, it wasn’t exactly like being arrested, but there were a few times I felt I’d done something wrong.

As I had mentioned to Tom that I liked castles, we spent the rest of the day looking for some.  We drove to Ayr and walked south along a short stretch of the coast to Greenan Castle.

We then drove to Dunure Castle, which reminded me a lot of castles mentioned in Enid Blyton’s Famous Five books, and then to watch the filming of part of a lotto ad at Dunure harbour.

Back into Ayr to see Robbie Burns' Cottage, the Brig ‘O’ Doon, and Robbie Burn’s father’s grave.

Back in Galston we looked at Barr Castle, attempted to see Cessnock Castle through the trees and hedgerows and, then once back at Tom’s, I got a couple of long-distance shots of Loudoun Castle.

As it was my last night staying with Tom, and Liz, (but not my last day in Ayrshire!) I shouted them to a fish ‘n’ chip meal at the local pub.  Later, Tom and I stayed up until midnight chatting about all sorts of things, one of which was his planned visit to Toronto in a year or so’s time.  I said I would try and return the favour of his hospitality then (but from recollection I think all I managed, when he did eventually visit, was to take him to Scallywag’s on St. Clair to watch a game of English footie).


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