South West Coastal Path 2015 Day 30

Wednesday 23rd September 2015

I made my way out of Plymouth, the path not very well way-marked, leap-frogging some other walker a few times as we each stopped and started for various reasons.

Into the wide open spaces.  Hang on... still (calculates this) 280.8 kms to go?  That's over a quarter.

I arrived at the Noss-Mayo ferry around 2, so I decided to wander along the path around the headland after the crossing and then I backtracked to the B&B up on top of the headland to arrive at 3.  There was no answer to me ringing the doorbell, so I sat and read for over an hour until another guest who was staying wandered out and let me in.

I walked down into Noss May for dinner, and when I returned the B&B owner said it would take me 3 hours to walk to the river Erme estuary that I needed to ford in the morning.  The problem was the possible fording time was between 7 and 9.  I was instructed to get a taxi around the estuary instead.

I ended up having a glass of wine with the B&B owners and another couple from Tauranga who were visiting them.  Small world.


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