Mendip Way 2014 Day 2

Friday 8th August 2014

I awoke early with gummy eyes and a sore throat from breathing through my mouth while I slept because of allergies.

After breakfast I was off on a slightly better way-marked trail, but without the map I would have been very lost.  (I should have heeded this warning about needing a map later, as you will see if you read all of this walk).

The route was mostly through the fields of run-down farms and the occasional small wood.

Dragon Mosiac

Once I arrived at Wells (extremely early in the day, about 11) I had great views of the Bishop’s Palace; certainly better maintained and easier on the eyes than what I had been looking at earlier in the day.  I managed to see a fair bit of the palace before getting to a point at which you had to pay to go further, which I did not.

Then it was through the city gate and into the Wells’ cathedral.  Inside you were supposed to pay for a photography pass if you took photos, but I didn’t, so I didn’t.

And found the official start (end?) of the West Mendip Way

I spent the afternoon wandering through this smallest “city” in England, sampling sarsaparilla sweets, reading, and partaking of a cream tea.

After hitting the B&B for a shower, I headed out again to have goat cheese and pesto stuffed mushrooms for dinner, then purchased 2 more cheeses to nibble on later.


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