White Peak Way Day 1

Wednesday 14th August 2019 Hartington


Getting to the White Peak Way from downtown Buxton was a long boring road walk, but finally I intersected with the Way and it was off-road for a while.  It was a drizzly day.  I enjoy rain, in fact it is my favourite weather, but I do like to have decent waterproof coverings and boots when out in it for any length of time.  Some of walking long distance walks is about the scenery, and if the rain is too heavy or there is mist there is not much to see beyond a wall of water and the circle of wet ground and mud around oneself.  Today was such a day as I spent most of it looking at the ground and kept the camera in the pack. 

I took a wrong turn somewhere prior to Earl Sterndale and ended up walking the road from there to Glutton before eventually joining up with the path I should have been on.

I got to the hostel to find their drying room was outside (where I wanted to dry my boots) and quite a distance across gravel to get back from in bare feet.  I made use of the internet and then had a meal in the “restaurant & bar,” which I think is a first for any hostels I have stayed in.

Day 2


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