Swanage 2014 Day 2

Tuesday 12th August 2014

I took 112 photos today, so I'm going to have to sift to get them down to a more manageable number for this page.

After breakfast and a trip to the co-op for lunch supplies, I headed west along the SWCP.  At first the high cliff-side drops were daunting, but I slowly acclimatised.  I wondered whether walking the entire trail having 50% of your view always of the ocean would become boring (although that proved false when I came back to actually walk the SWCP a year later).

When I got to St. Alban’s head I chatted with a couple of volunteers, checked out the ancient St. Aldhelm's chapel, then made the long descent and ascent just before Emmett’s Hill.

At Chapman’s Pool I turned inland and went to Worth Matravers and visited the pub to look at their free local museum.  I didn’t stay for a cider though.

Back on the trail, I made my way over to Corfe.  I didn’t visit the castle though as I had plans to do that the following day.  They have a mystery theatre tomorrow night, but it is sold out, although I put my name down in case a ticket comes free.

I stopped at Ginger Pop, the Enid Blyton shop, to peruse their Famous Five related stock and purchased an annual and a DVD.  The also had a model of Kirrin Island.

Then it was back to Swanage via the ridge trail, leaving Corfe Castle behind, 8 hours walking in total.

It was fish ‘n’ chips again for dinner while listening to 2 girls busking.

Day 3


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