Pennine Way Day 6

Monday 26th August 2019 Hardraw

After an 8:30 breakfast I got away around 9.  I walked, and talked, briefly, with Dianna, a 74-year-old American woman I had met yesterday just above Malham Cove; she was walking the entire Pennine Way.

The day was misty, so there was not a lot to see.

I arrived in Hawes in the early afternoon and went to sit near the YHA for a few minutes to steal their Wi-Fi before I wandered into town to get some coke and cereal.  I ran into Dianna again, wondering how she had managed to get ahead of me, but apparently, she made a wrong turn way back on the trail and instead of wasting time backtracking she eventually hitched a ride into town.

I walked on to Hardraw and read for a while before going to the pub for dinner, where a woman and her dog effectively blocked the bar from anyone who wanted to order anything, but that was after I had ordered my food and gotten my cider and was seated at a table.

Back to the bunkhouse, which I had all to myself again (even though some women were supposed to stay that night, but I found out they had changed their plans to either the night before or after) like I had the previous year.  Sleep was fitful because of the coke I had drank today.

Day 7


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