Cleveland Way 2018 Day 5

Tuesday 14th August 2018

I was awake way too early and left the B&B at 7:20.

There was no mist today, but it was somewhat overcast, although I could see the views.

I pretty much walked the section non-stop, although I paused (twice) in Whitby to purchase some soft-serve ice cream (known locally as 99s).

I arrived in Robin Hood’s Bay around 1:30.

Checked in at the B&B about 2 p.m., showered, read, used the internet, then out to a local pub (where it was rumoured Mark Knopfler occasionally dropped by for an impromptu performance with a local band) for steak pie and apple crumble, but Mark didn’t show, unfortunately.

The next day it was off to Church Stretton in the Shropshire Hills once again to finish off this year’s holiday in a place I adore.

Note: When planning this walk, the cost of baggage transfers beyond Robin Hood’s Bay was too expensive, so I did not do the final 2 days.  While planning my 2019 walks I realised I could stay in Scarborough and catch buses either way to assist in walking those days, and put the last 2 days of the Cleveland Way into my plans, however, when I eventually returned I was a bit walked out by that point of my holiday, so those final 2 days remain uncompleted, for now.


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