Great Glen Way 2013 Day 2

Day 2 Thursday 1st August 2013 (my sister’s 45th birthday).

After a sleep that was interrupted with traffic noise from the main road alongside, I ate the simple breakfast and left.  I wanted to go to the visitor’s centre, but it was way too early, so I headed out to Urqhart Castle, that opened just as I arrived and therefore was not busy (yet).  I was the third person that entered, so many of my photos were void of people, at least to start with.  I found the ruins very interesting.  Just as I was leaving, a horde of tourists arrived, and I was glad to have experienced the site before it got crowded.   

Fifteen minutes later it began to rain, as I made my way back to the trail.  I ascended up into the hills above Lewiston, then the trail became a long section of road walking.  It was at this point that I discovered the waterproofs I had been given as a gift not long before coming on this holiday has little ability to keep out the wet.

After coming across two separate groups of sheep on the road, the trail left the road to wind down through another pine forest.  Somewhere along here I found the Stone Cave, a shelter created in the hillside supposedly for a washerwoman who travelled this path a lot in the past, and I saw the Stone Seat, a stone creation that looked entirely uncomfortable.

Stone Cave

Stone Seat
I spoke briefly with a woman who was going in the opposite direction on a bicycle from Fort William to her home in Inverness.   

Eventually I came out onto a very narrow tarmac road that descended steeply to Invermoriston upon which my shins and ankles began to experience stabs of pain.  After hitting the B&B for a shower and change of clothes I hobbled painfully to a local hotel for a cider and 3-cheese salad.


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